Question for Readers on Simon the Sorcerer in Luke's Book of Acts

This week I was studying, for another reason, the issue of Simon's response in the Book of Acts chapter 8. It struck me that Simon the Sorcerer, after seemingly following the 'Way,' then makes a crazy offer to Peter to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit; when he saw this was given by laying on of hands at that juncture. Now here's the question part:

There is a theological position some hold that is called 'theonomy.' A theonomist generally holds that the Old Testament Law is applicable to Civil Law today. They don't think we are Israel or anything like that, as I understand them (and I'm open to correction on this). But they do want the examples of the penalities to have fair informative roles in decisions today. So if Simon is a sorcerer, and he seems to believe, and then offers this thing that sounds blasphemous, to buy the Holy Spirit gift; would a theonomist argue that Simon would have rightly been condemned under a death penalty of some sort equivalent to, but different than stoning per Leviticus 20:26-27 (Cf also Rev 21:8 future tense, not in our age)? Or can we see Simon as yet an example of how the OT Civil Law should not apply in the post-temple age we live in as New Covenant believers? (Though admittedly they were in a transition time) Any thoughts on this unusual theological question?


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