
Showing posts from 2017

Benefits to Being Adopted by God

When it comes to a powerful Christian belief for our well-being, one that stands near the top is Adoption.  People routinely struggle with thoughts like, "Does God accept me?" and "How would I know for sure?"  In ancient Rome, a person was adopted even as an adult into a family.  They were in case law, actual heirs.  This is hard to grasp for us, that it was common to have adults adopted then.  As part of adoption, a new parent would expect the adopted son or daughter to hold to their values/goals. Paul uses by the Holy Spirit's leading the analogy of what they were familiar with, to contrast and compare with what God was already up to (indeed in Old Testament, God had already mentioned this doctrine many a time, but Paul 'illustrates' it in his culture for the church). You and I now live for God's goals/values/purposes, if we are in God's family by faith. One must place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, believing He die...

Proverbs for Parenting Wisdom

Raising kids is tough work.  A Christian parent has to rest in God's grace for mistakes, but at the same time rise to the occasion to instruct, counsel and protect. As a parent / grandparent you want to 'check up' on how you're doing as a family with God's will. The Book of Proverbs gives a really good synopsis of some parenting principles. They are generally true, not absolutely true. Here are a few points with Scriptures that would really help in this: 1. Fear. Are you as a dad or mom fearing God as you should?  Or do you fear a parent's approval, or a friend's approval or a cultural human pressure to put something else you believe before God? "In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and his children have confidence." ~ Proverbs 14:26. 2. Lies. As a parent, do you speak truth regularly?  Do you lie as a habit?  If you find yourself telling lies, be assured your kids will pick up on it and feel the same liberty to do s...

Inaguration Day Prayers January 2017

If you are willing to pray for our country today given the Inauguration of our new US President & Vice President, here are some Scriptures to consider praying over: 1.  " First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. "  (1 Timothy 2:2, ESV) Prayer:  'Our Father, we give you praise that you call on us to pray for leaders.  We ask for an upholding of your Law and your moral precepts in our nation's leadership.  We pray that you would even change hearts to help those leading us to know your Son Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  We pray that their leadership may give your church in our land freedom to live out our faith without harassment, even as early American Protestants also sought.  We seek the same.  Let your church be free to be u...