For Those Pondering a Call to Ministry Full-time...
Many years ago E.Y. Mullins, a Christian author, wrote a tract entitled What Constitutes A Call to the Ministry . There are not a large variety of options for those out there discerning their calls to ministry. Today Lifeway provides a booklet on the call to ministry, and there is a new book called The Call by Ed Etheridge. So it's worth looking into other options: Mullin's work is brief, but here is a short outline of his opinion for our consideration. It may help to remember that this is the same Mullins who was president of Southern Seminary, a large US seminary, (SBTS) in the past. =BEGIN QUOTE: The elements which enter into a divine call may be stated as follows: 1.) An abiding conviction of duty or desire to enter the ministry and serve God in this way. I say it should be a conviction or desire. By conviction I mean a sense of duty.... I have used the qualifying word abiding because the sense of duty should be permanent. They cannot escape......