Bible verses on prayer in Old Testament
A s Christ followers we ultimately do not follow the Law of Moses as though we were national Israelites, however, we do still see principles clearly of God's will displayed throughout the Old Testament. This is so even of the Torah portion of the Old Testament, the first five books. In the heart of those books, you find much mention of prayer in Leviticus. In fact, Leviticus is essentially a guide to prayer in the appointed place of worship in the nation of Israel, the Tabernacle Tent of Meeting and later the Temple. For them, this was a place prescribed for worship, instead of building one's own altar, as people had done previously. Prayers still could be done elsewhere, but the Tabernacle/Temple became the main and required place for Israelites to properly approach the Lord at certain festivals and high holy days of Israel. So in Leviticus, perhaps we can echo godly believers then, Leviticus chapter sixteen was the high holy day in the Israelite calendar. ...