The Self-Attesting Christ of Scripture--Worthy of Worship

When it comes to the world, it is not comfortable to be a person lacking a relationship with Jesus Christ. Sure there are things that bring joy or sadness to anyone. But lasting joy and abundant life here and hereafter are in Christ Jesus alone. It is the God who has spoken to us in His Son that Scripture reveals; and that changes us. Christ Jesus changes us as we learn that He loves sinners who are willing to heed His call. Christ Jesus changes us when we know that He has deep compassion for the hurting, the downcast, the sin strapped and the guilt ridden conscience to be set free. It is my sincere hope that anyone reading this will take a challenge, read the Gospel of Matthew or the Gospel of John; get acquainted with the Son of God who so willingly came and laid down His life so that we might live; along with Him, as we unite our trust to Him alone.


David Keuss said…
I was reading further on this, and according to philosopher and Notre Dame professor, Dr. Alvin Plantinga, it seems that a Protestant Reformer, John Calvin actually uses a set of terms like this; so while I didn't realize this, I suppose that is where the title language owes some of its modern era lineage. Plantinga says in Warranted Christian Belief: "Scripture (through the work of the Holy Spirit) carries its own evidence with it; as Calvin says, it is 'self-authenticating'....

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