Contraception and Church Affiliated Entities

It is a hot topic now that the Roman Catholic church's entities, such as hospitals and so forth, may have to pay for employees to have access to the same kind of contraception Obama would like. While obviously some contraception is not a big deal to most Protestants (unlike Catholicism where it is not recommended for its faithful), some contraception is absolutely anathema to us Protestants too. The Word of God points to life as beginning at conception, which I'll just state relying on the many excellent long, thoughtful defenses of this by natural theologians of Christian churches. Some contraceptives can cause a very early stage abortion. These therefore are (even if in a small number of cases) killing unborn children, at the expense of a church entity. Protestants of all stripes that believe in the whole Word of God, rather than making themselves little gods that know which parts are good for them, must stand with the Roman Catholics on this and for different reasons. We cannot be supporting abortion when passages like Psalm 139 indicate God's view on when life begins. This is a religious, spiritual issue for life. Theologically, it is combining worship of a false god (like Molech in the Old Testament where people sacrificed their young, and in war killed the unborn in a womb with hooks) with worship of the one true God to ask a church, or any Christian private business owner, to have to fund abortions. Literally, even if this effort reaches an appeasement with the Roman Catholic church as an organization or Protestants of similar conviction, it will still be theologically raping the conscience of Protestant and Catholic private business owners who will have to pay for (in some cases, small in number as they may be) abortions at a very very early stage of childhood development. This is an infringement on the 1st Amendment of even private business owners, not merely a religious 501(c) 3 entity. This is a disturbing turn in our country and essentially marks the end of a person's rights to worship God by protecting the youngest lives. If someone wants to have a contraceptive pill or medicine that might in a number of cases kill children at the youngest stage, then they perhaps can pay for it ENTIRELY themselves. This would be a move in the right direction at least. As it stands now, many people more than simply the Roman Catholic church are funding abortions as an option in healthcare that is not the only option. See William Cutrer books for more info on why Christians CANNOT support certain types (not all or most) contraceptives.

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