Working in God's Presence

        When you go to work, it may feel like it is definitely not in God's presence some days. Certainly not every or perhaps most workplaces do not feel like God's presence. However, we do serve the Lord wherever we are, for His purposes, Acts 17:22-33 as Paul explained to the Athenians at Mars Hill (a place you can still visit today in Athens). 

       When you set about serving the Lord, even in a challenging environment, there are times it is clearly God's will (without denying there are places that you should not be). Take the situation of the people of Israel who lived in Jerusalem around the time of Haggai the prophet. They had come back to the Promised Land to settle it and rebuild the Temple. They set up their own homes. But they didn't get far enough along to reestablish their habit of worship and the worship center, the Temple there. They only had a foundation and a makeshift altar. That wasn't the plan, to stop there. 

       When the Lord said to "consider" their ways and to recommit to working for Him in service projects to rebuild it, the people of one heart, agreed (Haggai 1:12). Into this amazing situation from God's hand, they step out by faith to plan what should be done to serve God. The Lord then says, so that they do not grow discouraged or weary by life, plans, projects, and speedbumps along the way, "I am with you" (Haggai 1:13). The LORD, whose name means I am who I am, and I was, I am, I will be, spoke to His people in their new situation. He is the living God. And His presence renewed them. It encouraged them.

       I wonder today if the Lord is reminding you, that He is with you, as you commit to follow Him and His plan? Is there anyway you have recommitted to the Lord? Have you committed to serve others in church or a ministry some way? Have you repaid a debt? Have you decided to forgive, even though it may be a process? Have you decided to recommit to worship and prayer? In that, you are not alone (see also Haggai 1:13; Matthew 28:19-20; Ephesians 3:16). The Lord is with you in a journey that involves His kingdom works.

       Listen to this Scripture, in Ephesians 3:16 "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner self" and "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith..." 3:17. 

       If Haggai reminds us of something, it is that you do not go it alone in work. Just be sure you are working unto or for the Lord, and for good Godly reasons, and you can be sure He is with you. Do you believe that? You should. It's a principle of His Word. 


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